
It seems everything in my life revolves around food. I love to meet people for lunch or have company for dinner. Be it the birth of a baby, an engagement, Thanksgiving, it’s all about the food.  When my husband and I went to Italy, did we go to churches or art galleries?  No, we sought out the best places to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.  It seems that not a day goes by where food is not the focal point of my daily activities.  And I love it that way.

Why do I love it?  Because it brings friends and families together.  For centuries it always has.  It’s that one fundamental component that brings me closer to the people I care about.

In 2008, on a whim, I wandered into a seminar being given at a local cooking school for its upcoming professional cooking program.  I was very intimidated to enroll, as I had grown up on Swanson’s TV dinners and Hostess Twinkies (and actually thought that stuff was pretty darn tasty).  I will say for me, that program was a life changing experience.

When I finished that program, I enrolled in a professional pastry school  Oh Lord have mercy, the things I learned, made, and ate.  I knew then and there that I had found my calling.  I love to see the looks on people’s faces when I present them with homemade breads, pastries, cakes and cookies.

So, my mission here is not about exploring sophisticated techniques, over-the-top recipes or unusual, hard-to-find ingredients.  It’s merely for the purpose of sharing with my friends (and anyone else), simple recipes, stories, photos, experiences and anything else in between to express my love for just good, simple food.

I also love to cook, and will share those ideas and recipes, but it’s the baking that stole my heart.  I can’t wait to get up every day and bring out the old Kitchen Aid and just create.  As a side note, I graduated from art school many years ago as a graphic designer, and I find the process of art and baking the same.  Whether it’s paint and canvas or sugar, eggs and flour, ultimately I end up with something beautiful that I create from the heart.

You can find me in my kitchen any time of day. Sometimes my boys will come down to the kitchen very late at night and ask , “what in the world are you doing”!!!  And I’ll just turn to them and smile, and say “boys, mama’s gotta bake”!  I think they get it.

If you wish to contact me by email, I can be reached at: saronow@me.com

You can follow me on Face Book at Mama’s Gotta Bake

I can be followed on twitter at: @MamasGottaBake

Check me out at the LA Times

187 Comments on “About”

  1. Lauren Kurzweil says:

    Sheryl (aka “mama”):

    Congrats on your first blog….I love it!! So professional….photos look amazing too! Include me on any outings when you want to try a new restaurant.


  2. Beth says:

    Sheryl, we haven’t actually spoken since what? 1976, 77? But when I read your “about” I could hear you say ‘boys, mama’s gotta bake”. When I think back to our days at Rider so much centered around food. Weren’t you always looking for a cookie? Love that you have a blog and will be sharing it with all I know that enjoy baking!

  3. Ellen says:

    Good luck with the blog Sheryl. It’s so entertaining, and the photos are great. Glad you found your calling, and I agree that your creations are truly works of art. So where’s the guitar now?

  4. Michael says:

    Sheryl-Great blog! Congratulations and have a lot of fun. Swanson’s TV dinners – Hadn’t thought about those aluminum packaged delights in years. I could almost taste ’em.

  5. carol says:

    Hey Mama BFF!!! Congtatulations on your new blog – so beautiful – so impressive – so creative – so delicious!!! Just as sweet as you! Can’t wait to cook and bake with you!

  6. nina says:

    sheryl..you’re the sweetest lady i know and you are also the best with sugar, butter and eggs!! congrats to you for your lastest creation “mommasgottabake” you continue to amaze me….i am your biggest fan!!!

  7. Kim Demshki says:

    Sheryl …. once again, you never cease to amaze me! Your blog is so entertaining and truly shows your real talent of baking, cooking and just plain creativity. Good luck and can’t wait to see more ….. Xo

  8. Jane says:

    Sheryl…I am sitting here with a smile from ear to ear…this little girl from Havertown is all grown up!!! I loved every word and can’t wait to try a few of your recipes!!! Keep them comin” … xo Jane

  9. Nancy says:

    Love Sheryl’s cooking. Always low in calories, but big in love.xxooo

  10. Gary says:

    very nice!

  11. Shelley says:

    Sheryl, this is the cutest thing ever! I am so impressed. Now I will start stockpiling your recipes.

  12. Melissa Campagnoni says:

    Great blog – Jamie is inspired by you to start her own blog about the places she/we have gone and her experiences! I was a joy to meet you and look forward to having you join us again!

  13. Jacqueline Raposo says:

    I LOVE your site and look forward to reading it more thoroughly!

    I often have “just gotta bake” moments. Sometimes they’re the most meditative, calming moments in my week.

  14. Hello! I see you are a new member of FB. I’ve been there for a little less than an month. Great group of people, you’ll love it. Anyway I wanted to swing by and say hello, visit your blog (which is LOVELY!) and welcome you to the buzzyhood.
    Have a great day…

  15. Rand Snyderman says:

    Your blog is perfect! Thanks for making my tummy go yumm!

  16. Hi Mama. I just read your “about”. I’m a graphic designer now. And I love to cook… though I haven’t had much time for it lately. I am so looking forward to Thanksgiving… It’s my first where I will be preparing the meal at my home for a few people. I saw your recipe on the mini apple pies (via Fressly Pressed) and I think I might try it. I think I’m gonna subscribe to you! I like your voice. And I love finding new recipes that one day (sigh!!) I will hopefully find the time to make…

  17. denischui says:

    Hello there,
    how are ya? 🙂
    glad you like my post,thanks and by the way, your pictures look stunning!!!!
    Love your blog,

  18. bashfulbao says:

    Thank you for liking one of my posts! Your blog is fantastic, I love your photos!

  19. dianne - life as i see it says:

    wonderful blog.. yum yumm.. ;o)

  20. df says:

    I got tagged to complete Mrs Sparkly’s 10 Commandments and a requirement is to tag another blogger – I had to tag you as I’d love to read your responses. More here: http://wuppenif.com/2012/02/15/a-little-about-me-apparently/

    Have fun!

  21. Dear Mama,

    Absolutely love your blog! Everything from the photos, to the recipes, the captions and stories makes me want to cook better! I have some serious food envy going on 🙂 can’t wait to read of much more!!!


  22. Marci Grogin says:

    So I have come to your blog to find a recipe for your perfect matzoh ball soup and it’s not here!!! You would think I would have had Antonio make my soup for me b/c I am so lazy, but I didn’t get to it and now here it is, Friday and I have to make soup for 25 people…..Miss you!!!!

    • So sorry, but I never did a blog about matzoh ball soup!!!!!! I got my mom to make mine for me, I cheated!!!!! Anyway, have a great Passover, and miss you too. Hope all is well. xoxo Sheryl

  23. bubblybaker says:

    Hi Sheryl, it’s lovely to meet you too. I’m loving every bit of your blog and I can’t stop drooling over your piccies! Looking forward to many more posts! 🙂

  24. Shrey Srivastava says:

    Hello! I have really enjoyed reading your blog and I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award!
    You can read more here:

  25. andy1076 says:

    Hi! Thank you for coming by my blog 🙂

  26. Ronda says:

    I just saw your blog for the first time today. I love the pictures and the restaurants that you’ve visited. I’ve been to LA a few times and have never seen restaurants like the ones you review. I started on one entry and actually ended up going through your entire blog from the beginning. I also have several new recipes that I would like to try.

  27. Christina says:

    OMG! I just love your blog!!! Just found you as you commented on my pizza…are you part of FBLA? I have subscribed to your blog via RSS, and will definitely be trying some of your recipes (i.e. Chocolate Brioche!) I love dessert and sugar too…haha! CC

  28. Miriam says:

    Hi Sheryl,

    It was nice meeting you at Anthropologie the other day. Your blog looks great! It seems like you have a very similar taste in restaurants in LA as I do! Whenever I travel, one of my my biggest priorities is to seek out the best places to dine as well. I’m a huge good-food believer! Looking forward to all your upcoming posts!


  29. trialsinfood says:

    I think your blog is great and I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Award. 🙂 http://trialsinfood.wordpress.com/2012/05/12/101st-post-and-a-big-thank-you/

  30. Villy says:

    Lovely blog! Well done!

  31. LOVE YOUR BLOG! What an inspirational story!

  32. The Thyme Lemonade and your tagline made me follow your blog immediately! Haha. Congrats on being Freshly Pressed! Check me out at theusualbliss.com sometime!

  33. Great blog ¡¡ I love the recipes and the photos 🙂

  34. kimoechan says:

    very nice and inspiring blog (and pictures, too). Just like theusualbliss, I got hooked with the thyme lemonade picture

  35. msmckibbon says:

    Great site and you’re in my area – so glad to have found you and your Thyme Lemonade 🙂

  36. Jen Thompson says:

    Your blog sounds amazing! I can’t wait to read through some of your recipes 🙂

  37. Spoon Feast says:

    I love it when people find their calling! Good for you.
    Take that lemonade stand to a farmers market or art show and you could do some business and not embarrass the kids.

  38. tlcathome says:

    You sound just like me…get up in the morning.. look around the kitchen, spot the kitchen aid…and start thinking of what I can make! Glad there’s another “like me” out in the world! And my kids do the same thing…in they wonder, start sniffing….ha touche’ sister!

  39. We love,love,love your blog! Beautiful photos of beautiful food.

  40. What a wonderful gem your blog is. Just to let you know, I’ve nominated you for Food Stories Award for Excellence in Storytelling for your very tasty-looking blog. You should win based on your wonderful header alone. 😉

  41. Eleenie says:

    You have a great blog and I’m grateful to Nancy Tanner for recommending it! I look forward to trying out your recipes, they look delicious 🙂

  42. saraincucina says:

    Hello! Come and have a look at my last post. I like your blog, so I have just nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award and the One Lovely Blog Award!

  43. A woman after my own heart. Despite the fact that I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, I love your site and how you really “speak” to me. Your photos are absolutely luscious…BUT, they make me hungry. Then again, I’m always hungry! BTW, I lived in SoCal for over 10 years. 🙂 Thanks for finding my humble little site!

  44. Grace says:

    It’s ironic. When I was in the US, I used to work for Hostess. But after reading your blog, I cannot seem to match your passion for baking. But nevertheless, I would love to try these recipes some day.

  45. SO true 🙂 my brother’s always asking me why I spend all my money on food, and I say: because it’s important. You can’t just survive, you’ve got to live. And especially eat well. Who doesn’t like yummy food?

  46. thefoodery says:

    Hi, Mama! I am nominating you for the Versaite Blogger Award. I love what you do, keep it up and have a spectacular weekend! 😀

  47. Amy says:

    What a lovely, inspiring story, looking forward to reading more of your blog 🙂

  48. This is such a beautiful blog. I love all the recipes, the stunning photography, and the fact that you, like me, gotta bake! That’s why I’ve nominated you for the Blog on Fire award. Check it out here: http://gottagetbaked.wordpress.com/2012/07/16/blog-on-fire-award/

  49. I know this sounds crazy, but from only reading your “about” page, you seem like a great person and mother! I can imagine how much your sons love how their mama bakes! Excited to follow you!

  50. Congratulations! I’ve nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award! You can check it out here: http://cookingwithlucie.wordpress.com/2012/08/03/one-lovely-blog-award/

  51. frykenhanna says:

    Hi! I really enjoy reading your blog and watching your pictures!
    I’ve noticed you been visiting my blog and I just wanted you to know that I’m now writing my posts in english to.
    I would really appreciate if you would chech it out and tell me what you think.

    Best wishes, Hanna!
    P.S. Keep your lovely work with the blog going, it’s really fun to read it!

  52. Jo says:

    Hi Sheryl, I just wanted let you know that I’ve nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger award, and to thank you for your kind words and encouragement. You have been such an inspiration! 🙂

    I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts!



  53. Teresa says:

    Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog and liking the Italian Spaghetti Sauce and Meatballs. I love your “about” section. I, too, love to cook and bake and have friends over all the time to see the looks on their faces when they sample lots of different culinary delights at our table. By the way, your Heirloom Tomato Tart also looks scrumptious. Please feel free to browse my blog any time and ask questions or offer feedback. Thanks again for visiting.

  54. lmarea3070 says:

    Who is your photographer

  55. petit4chocolatier says:

    I absolutely love your blog! Your recipes and pictures all look so delicious! I hope you don’t mind if I reblog one of your links on my new page reblog tastings? Your creations are worth seeing!


  56. vinicooksveg says:

    I too love simple cooking with easy-to find ingredients!

  57. vinicooksveg says:

    Totally loved your blog!

  58. Anne says:

    You have a gorgeous blog! While going through it (it’s 1am), I started to get hungry. I love your recipes and photos. I can’t believe I haven’t gone through your blog sooner. Anyway —I love it and I look forward to reading more.

  59. Anne says:

    Hi Sheryl, I nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award.

    All the best,

  60. mmmarzipan says:

    Love your blog! So happy to have found it! 🙂 Following keenly. The best to you x

  61. Mel says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog! Let me know if you try out my Turkey Cookies, we make them every year and have so much fun!!! I have a feeling my waist-line is going to regret finding your blog, though! O_o Everything looks so delicious!!!

    Mel (aka 2%)

  62. i chuckled when i read your bio cause i ate and drank my way through italy. hardly any shopping. being jewish, i didn’t even notice there were churches. ;>)

  63. LoveHoundUK says:

    Fantastic intro. Very inspiring and I absolutely love the blog. The photos are amazing.
    I am definitely going to do your recipes once I have moved and have a new kitchen.
    The KitchenAid is coming with me in the car, not in the removal van !

  64. deliciouslynell says:

    Hi there!
    I have nominated you/your inspirational blog, for the Liebster Award!
    Please look at the link below to get the rules, etc of this award and I hope you have a great holiday season!


  65. I LOVE your blog and your blog name! So creative! Keep up the blogging 🙂

  66. Teresa says:

    Congratulations! I’ve nominated your blog for the Blog of the Year Award 2012. If you are interested in participating you can access your badge icon and rules at http://cantstayoutofthekitchen.com/2012/12/22/blog-of-the-year-2012-award-2nd-star/. I hope you will participate! Teresa

  67. amberwideman says:

    It’s great to meet you! I am currently in art school (getting my BFA) but my true passion is baking. I agree with you that art and baking are very similar practices…they both expel creative energy and allow you to create whatever you dream in your mind! Thanks for sharing your adventures and recipes. I can’t wait to read more!

  68. uberdish says:

    I love your story! I definitely see your artistic side – your photographs are beautiful!

  69. radhika25 says:

    I have nominated your lovely blog, for the Sunshine Award!
    Please pick up your badge and information/rules on how to pass the torch and pay it forward at:
    Happy New Year!

  70. Viva Violet says:

    Hey, i’ve nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger award. Here’s the link: http://allthosesmallthings.wordpress.com/

    Much love

  71. planted oak says:

    so taken in by your beautiful photos. i am not that comfortable in the kitchen but if i’m going to make anything, it’s usually baked goods. hope to try some of your recipes…thank you! –kris

  72. sarahlouisek says:

    Love, love, love your name — and your slogan.

  73. Thanks for checking out my blog. I hope my blog gives others some ideas for healthy recipes. You have beautiful blog.

  74. cme5125 says:

    Thanks for checking out my blog and my recent Homemade Quesadillas! I am absolutely loving those mini stuffed potatoes of yours. Definitely need to try those soon!


  75. jdzphotoblog says:

    Thank you so much for liking one of my posts. It gave me the opportunity to discover your wonderful blog. I don’t bake too often because I am not that good but maybe I can learn a thing or too from you. 🙂 I have added you on my google reader feed. Take care. – Joyce

  76. bakeaffairs says:

    You have a wonderful blog, great pictures and very tasty recipes! Its a big inspiration.

  77. Moira says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog and for your comment about my persimmon bread recipe. I have spent the past 20 minutes scrolling through your “breads” and “cookies” categories. Your recipes look wonderful, and your photos are beautiful. Do you photograph the food yourself? If so, you’re clearly as accomplished a photographer as you are a chef.

  78. peaches+gingham says:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking my “Strawberry and Cream Cupcake” post. I have enjoyed baking since I was old enough to pull up a chair to stand on at the kitchen counter. Your Chocolate Pecan Cookies look delicious! I love your story. You have a beautiful blog!

  79. ocelot81 says:

    Thank you for stopping by at my blog and for the like in my last post, cool blog by the way and very good recipes 🙂

  80. You have an Amazing Inspiring Blog and I have nominated you for the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award!” If you’d like to participate, here are the rules: http://homecreationseveryday.wordpress.com/2013/02/07/very-inspiring-blog-award/

  81. Love your blog!! 🙂

  82. Bill S says:

    Just a quick thanks for stopping by my blog Mama. I do feel a bit of a fraud in that I can just about make a cup of tea, so although your blog is delicious I have very little to offer in the way of input. However, it won’t be long before we start harvesting our fruit so perhaps some of my Wife’s English recipes may tempt your palette.

  83. I enjoy reading your sweet blog a lot and am passing you the Super Sweet Bloggers Awards. Please visit http://cookingwithmamamiyuki.wordpress.com/2013/03/02/super-sweet-bloggers-award/ for the rules. Happy Blogging

  84. You’ve got such a lovely blog here, so I would like to nominate you for the Super Sweet Blogging Award. Hope you enjoy participating, Please Visit: http://sweetsixteenscountrykitchen.wordpress.com/2013/03/05/super-sweet-blogging-award/

  85. Hi, I nominated you for the Epically Awesome Award for Epic Awesomeness! Check out my post (Epically Awesome Award for Epic Awesomeness: So Cool!) at my http://lovelyseasonscomeandgo.wordpress.com

  86. Liz says:

    Thanks for stopping by…you have a very lovely blog, with lovely pictures and lovely recipes. I love everything here!!!

  87. Liz says:

    I already said it, but I’ll say it again. I love your blog, very much. well organized, great photos, I have bookmarked it. Thanks for liking my post!!!

  88. Jess C says:

    Thank you for liking one of my recipes. 🙂 I hope to have pictures up soon. This is my first blog so I appreciate the love! I’ll keep you in my faves for baking references. I love to bake and cook. I’m not afraid of either! Have a wonderful day!

  89. laishacooper says:

    Hi Sheryl, there is nothing I don’t love about your blog and have nominated you for The Versatile Blogger’s award to view your award please visit http://thebawibawarchi.com/2013/04/17/the-versatile-blogger-award/ . Congratulations

  90. randle says:

    Hi Sheryl! You visited my page a while ago and I appreciate your spunk! Anyway, I nominated you for a fun Liebster Award. I see you’ve been nominated before. 🙂 Keep up the great posts,



  91. bezzymates says:

    Thanks for your visit. What I great blog you have. I love sweet treats. Gotta check out those mini cheese cakes. Yum!

  92. cocoaupnorth says:

    Great blog and delicious recipes. Thank you for sharing:-)

  93. Love your blog. Thank you for taking a look at mine this morning. I’m glad you did because it steered me in the right direction…to yours! 🙂 Your burger post is fantastic!

  94. My goodness your pictures all look amazing and delicious! Glad I discovered your blog!!

  95. mamacormier says:

    Sheryl, your blog is beautiful to look at and I want to try all your recipes. I have nominated your blog for the Shine On Award.

    More about this nomination is at http://mamacormier.wordpress.com/2013/05/26/thank-you-maia-2/
    If you choose to do forego this nomination I won’t be offended. I know how much time they take and your time is precious. Congratulations! Carol

  96. ciao! luvFAB blog.

  97. Hello Dear
    I just nominated you for Liebster Award, find out more folloing the link:

    MY FREE FROM SERIES: A Heavenly Chestnut Cupcake for SillyStyle – in return for My Liebster Award

    Love, Judit XXX

  98. Jeff Parker says:

    Well, Mama Sheryl… first, Thanks for ‘liking’ my blog. Second, you’re blog is super-fantastic and I especially love your tagline! You’re in SoCal and I am in SoCal,…

    Cheers and congrats on your blog! I’m now a fan. 🙂

  99. Great site. Thanks for sharing.

  100. Trinity says:

    Hi Sheryl! Thanks for stopping by Cuppanatter! Your blog looks amazing, and I will definitely try out your polenta cake! I’d love to do more baking, but my husband is not a big bakery eater, except of course breads, which our local Swiss baker makes fresh every day of the year except for Christmas Day! I’d bake more but it would be up to me to eat it all, and I’m not THAT crazy. 😉

    • Thanks so much for stopping by and for your comments. It’s greatly appreciated.

      • Trinity says:

        You’re welcome! Since you have so much experience and love of baking, I would really be interested to know what you think of my Kansan Farmer’s Cookies (13 May 2013 post) – how they stand up to other cookies you’ve baked! I have yet to find such an addictive recipe, but maybe that’s the memories that are attached to them talking. An unbiased opinion would be very appreciated!

  101. deliciouslynell says:

    Hi! I’ve nominated you for the awesome blog content award, and if you’re interested please check out this post which has the rules, etc, for accepting the nomination.


  102. PotSoup says:

    Dear Mama,

    Your blog is lovely, your content catchy and your photos divine, I am very happy to have come across your blog.

  103. wow, beautiful blog! Baking is my first passion as well, but it’s been taking a backseat lately as my husband and I are on a real health kick. Oh why can’t butter and sugar be good for us?! 😛

  104. Sinfully Tempting says:

    Wonderful blog! Great recipes and the photos are absolutely amazing! 🙂

  105. Kait says:

    Your blog is amazing. Your recipes sound delicious and your pictures make them look even better!

  106. Kait says:

    I just wanted to let you know nominated you for the inspiring blogger award. You can check out all the details at this link!

    Very Inspiring Blog Award

  107. Congratulations! You have been awarded:
    Sunshine Award
    Participation is optional, only if you want to pass the awards to others. Please check out your awards at: http://sweetbakedlife.com/2013/08/18/honored-best-moment-award-and-sunshine-award/
    Have a great day!

  108. Congratulations! You have been awarded:

    Best Moment Award
    Sunshine Award
    Versatile Blogger Award

    Participation is optional, only if you want to pass the awards to others. Please check your awards at http://countybakermom.wordpress.com/2013/08/19/thank-you-for-the-awards/


  109. Russell says:

    I’m new to the whole blogging scene, but I’ve been reading through some of your recipes and I must say that they sound delicious. I will certainly be whipping a few of them up myself and getting back to you with the results. Great reading. Thanks.


  110. kandee2013 says:

    Looking forward to reading more from you !! Stay hungry 🙂

  111. deliciouslynell says:

    Hello! I’m nominating you for the wordpress family award, because I consider you a part of my wordpress family. As always acceptance is entirely up to you, so if you’re interested, please check out this post!

    Otherwise, have an awesome day.

  112. Hi Sheryl! I nominated you for the Shine On award. Just a little recognition for your creative and inspiring blog! You can see details at: http://theseasonedtraveler.wordpress.com/2013/09/26/the-shine-on-award/. Congrats! -Laura

  113. Hi – so glad I found your blog – I love it. Am very inspired as I have only just started my blog and one of the things I was thinking about was how to take pics for my blog. I saw you take your own so that’s good for me to think about. I think I may make your gluten free pear cake this weekend! x

  114. Hii! I jus discovered your blog today and i mus say dat u hav such an amazin blog. Such beautiful pictures and delicious recipes. Looking forward to seein ur future posts. 😊

  115. The photo of the challah is beautiful. I agree – with LOTS of butter. You have some great press!

    • Thanks Shanna, and yes, you can never go wrong with lots of butter!

      • Indeed – agreed. I just read / looked at your “mousse” section – I see that we both love the fine chocolate at World Market (would have eaten the white chocolate on the way home!) and Ina Garten recipes (citrus + chocolate = heaven). I was completely salivating over your photos, particularly the deep, gorgeous brown mousse you made for the shower! Your blog is so much fun.

  116. It is so so rare that I follow a blog and I just wanted to say that I adore what I have seen of yours. Sweet stuff is what I have a true love of, and while I am obliged to follow the recipes from 100 year old books because, very excitinglly, a National newspaper is going to do a feature on me about it, what I really want to do is bake what you are creating! Thank you!

    • Hi Victoria, I just want to say thank you for your kind words, and for reading the blog. I do put my heart and soul into it, so it’s very rewarding when someone takes the time to give positive feedback!

  117. Annmarie says:

    Hello Cheryl, I think you have a wonderful blog! and I love all your recipes! I have nominated you for the imagine award! You can read the nomination post here! http://sweetwildflower.wordpress.com/2013/10/23/imagine/ Congratulations!! Annie

  118. Hi Sheryl!
    I have nominated you for two awards! You can pick them up there: http://sweetbakedlife.com/2013/11/03/two-awards-liebster-and-family/

    Happy Blogging!

  119. deliciouslynell says:

    Ciao! I’ve nominated you for an award, but acceptance is purely optional. If you’re interested then please check out this post:


  120. I awarded you the Inner Peace award, check here to see why http://winkandasmile.wordpress.com/2013/11/28/inner-peace-award/ Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  121. Sam Sin says:

    I’ve nominated you for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award! Go to: http://teaandsesame.wordpress.com/2013/12/03/dragons-loyalty-award/
    Thanks and I hope you like it! 🙂

  122. amintiridinbucatarie says:

    Hi Saron,

    I have nominated you for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award 🙂


    warm regards, Oana

  123. Very attractive presentation. Really an inspiration for me. Good photographs.(Not good, but excellent)

  124. Alice says:

    Hi Sheryl! I love reading your blog and have nominated you for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award. Participation is, of course, optional and rules can be found here: http://closeencountersofthecookingkind.wordpress.com/2014/01/12/dragons-loyalty-award/

  125. ejoblin says:

    Hi, Sheryl! Your blog looks fabulous! And I want to eat EVERYTHING! Anyway, it’s been a really long time… hope all is well with you and the family. Maybe we can catch up next time I’m in L.A. And thanks for visiting my wacky little blog…
    Take care,

  126. masu011 says:

    Hi Sheryl! I love how our blog is so filled with great descriptions and absolutely love the pictures! I also entirely understand how you feel about baking 🙂 It is one my greatest passion as well. Can not wait to try out some of your recipes! ~Mas

  127. OMG! I just ate and now I am hungry, I’ll blame your delicious food pictures for that. I’m super excited I came along your blog!!!!


  128. Erin Hedrick says:

    I love your blog! And as a thank you for being such a wonderful read, I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Award! You can read the details on my blog here: http://eatingmyfeelings.com/2014/02/20/eating-my-feelings-receives-sunshine-award/
    Congrats, and please keep writing!!

  129. Hey Sheryl! I am absolutely in awe of your blog! Your recipes are soo good and the photography is amazing! Everything is just soo mouthwatering good I hope to try them all! That’s why I nominated you for “The Sunshine Award”! Here’s the link:

    Sunshine Award…

  130. apsara says:

    what a lovely name for your blog, I can so well associate with it, since I love to bake too! It really calms my mind. Great recipes, looking forward to more in my reader…

  131. Lily says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for the likes, really appreciate it:)

  132. Hey Sheryl! I just nominated you for the “Liebster Award “! Come and collect it at http://maulshri25blog.wordpress.com/2014/04/06/liebster-award/

  133. Janine says:

    I’ve been really enjoying your blog for a while now and wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Award! For more info and to participate, check out the full post here : http://thequietbaker.wordpress.com/2014/04/09/liebster-and-sunshine-awards/#more-4955

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